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A member registered Nov 13, 2020

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Absolutely love the style and art, big fan. Music fits really well too. Only thing is the controls as the dash is inconsistent and movement is wonky especially in the air. Animation when you finish the level is cute :)

I found the sfx and music very loud so I think that should have been turned down a bit, or at least have the option for that. I like the sequence at the start, that was different although it went too fast and I'm a quick reader but was unable to finish in time. The art and level design in this game is amazing and is what really sells it.

The starting area is great and the dragon is epic, made me go "holy shit" when it came on screen. Got a good laugh when I did my first fart, nice touch. I found that the dragon can easily catch you so you really do have to manage the stamina. Difficulty may be a little high but too much. I feel like some kind of checkpoint would have been nice. I know when you die you don't lose progress but I got a bit sad when I'd get far then either burn in lava or get eaten and have to go all that way again.

Overall, excellent job!

Art is great, especially the mage and it's cute animations. It's nicely pixeled and has a great colour - yay purple! The enemy looks great and creepy too although shame there's no animation.

However the level design isn't great as the start is unforgiving and it seems that the sizing is all off or something? It feels that we're zoomed in and the platforms and spikes are weirdly or incorrectly too big.

Spawning with two enemies right on top of you is cruel and I kept instantly dying, plus there's a platform blocking you. There's also the option to go left which feels like a long time before you finally hit a barrier. The platforms and spikes seem to be incorrectly sized and placed at weird heights as neither you or the enemies can go under some of them so both get stuck. Nearer the end there are platforms that lead down and there's no way of knowing where they are so it's just jumping and hoping you land on them. Not sure if that's intentional or not.

Music is good, but starts weirdly after a few seconds of silence and there's nothing in the menu so that could have been a good idea to do. Some kind of background would be nice as well, whether a forest or village. Finally, instead of just insta-dying, there should be a damage or heart system as the hit boxes aren't great so death is likely.

In short: great work on art, not so much design.

Pretty cool design and look! Cute art and smooth animations made it fun to play. Good sfx and music. Really liked the extended arm as an attack. Not sure you should receive a heart when you kill an enemy as I was always at full health so it didn't feel very challenging. Boss was also rather easy so should've had more health or another element to it like a shield or something.

Overall, cool concept and like the art. Great job! :D

So I got drawn in by the logo / profile pic which is gorgeous, and the game page which is very detailed and artistic so I HAD to play it. Absolutely beautiful art and animation. Great sfx and music, however could do with some when in "spirit world" as I found it kind of disorientating to go from music to nothing.

Like other people, I found it rather buggy when it came to the LMB and switching between modes. When I tried clicking LMB, it didn't work properly, it would flicker between the two and not stay. When I held LMB, it "worked" so I thought that was what I had to do but then it worked later when I just clicked. So when jumping in the air and onto platforms between modes I would regularly miss and fall because of this bug which would make me sad :(

However, this aside, it's a great game and I love the idea and art for it!

WOW. I instantly fell in love with this the moment I opened it. The art, the menu, the UI and the music just took my breath away. I literally sat there vibing away for 5 minutes before I played!

I was a bit confused at first because my initial reaction is to click the menu and it wouldn't work but I worked out I had to press enter. Your page says that jump is space but it's the up arrow key. I found the movement very smooth and easy to get used to. I loved the art the most, animations are really beautiful. I think that the character is a bit too fast from the boss at the top as I could just run away so easily so I had to slow down to be able to admire the beauty of those big boys! The last brain one being my favourite!

Absolute gem of a game, loved it! :D

Very interesting game and nice UI. Quite challenging and I spent far too long on this! I had to force myself to stop as I'm playing and rating these TDEMO games at 2am, but I feel I will be coming back to it very soon!

Only thing I think I want to mention is that the sfx when you're pulling to set up the jumps gets a bit irritating I feel and is a bit loud. There could be other sounds as well in the background such as water splashes, birds or insect noises to add a bit of atmosphere.

Overall it's super cute. Movement is relatively simple although I'm generally bad! I thought the blinking of the eyes gave Kaeru charm. Really great job! :D

I love the voice acting which was a nice surprise. The music was cute, although seemed a bit loud. Nice character designs and art. Controls are generally good but jumping and felling felt a bit slow and floaty which was mostly an issue with the enemies who could catch up to you and I would land on them and reset lol.

I didn't fully understand the health system. I assumed that once I get hit by an enemy I would lose a heart but I didn't. Instead I would just reset. I would only lose a heart if I fell down, and not all the time either, only sometimes.

Great work overall!